Adrija Press provides Journal publishing services in multi-disciplinary studies. All journals on the Adrija Press platform are open access and hence freely accessible for all to read. Note that all our journals are indexed in the MLA. Adrija Press journals content available Online via Open Access ensuring the quality by reputed editors and high-quality peer-reviewing.

We inspire upcoming researchers and scientists nurturing the essential temper and we are motivated to be significant role players for offering due recognition and rewards for their works.

Our global Open Access platform makes sure that there are no barriers to sharing the knowledge and evolving through it.

In addition to this, all our journals follow the highest international standards on publishing ethics as described in the ethical frameworks and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Atlantis Press is a strong advocate of integrity in science and adheres to these guidelines in full. Moreover, we are a staunch supporter of the principles of openness, transparency and reproducibility in research and an organizational signatory of the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines issued by the Center for Open Science.

Our published journal is

New Literaria- An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities